Spring Concert Details

Sean Latham
2 min readMay 10, 2021


Here’s everything we know about the Spring Concert


May 18, 2021

Rain Date

May 24, 2021


6p — Choir & Orchestra then Indoor Drumline & Band (Wind Ensemble & Friends)


Lawn outside near the Flagpole by the Gym Lobby entrance


All students are dropped off in the Main Parking Lot. In front of C-wing. Parents & Students will park in the Main lot (Firehouse Side away from Tennis Courts, please)

4:30p — All students arrive and are temperature screened at the start of the one way road leading away from the circle. (You will see tables) Band students will enter the building ONLY to retrieve their instrument. No congregating in the building…

4:45p — Wind Ensemble run Thru

5:00p — Drum Line Run Thru

5:30p — Choir/Orchestra Run Thru

5:30p — All parents are checked in at the start of the one way road leading away from the circle. (You will see tables)

All guests MUST show ID, wear a mask, and sit in socially distant “pods” in families.

***ALL guests MUST bring their own seating*** (folding lawn chair etc…)

5:45p — ALL guests MUST be seated

6:00p — Choir and Orchestra Perform (Band Members in their seats) Choir Awards

7:00p — Drumline & Wind Ensemble Perform

7:45p — Band Senior Scholarship & Awards Announced

8:15 — clean up and dismissal

You MUST Register as a Guest!

All guests MUST be registered NO LATER than May 14, 2021

Please use this form to register as a guest (one form/family)


Awards for Seniors

We will present the Senior Scholarships and other Awards (if ready) at the end of the concert.

Thank you!!!

J. Miller

