Important Weekend Updates!
Memorial Day Parade — May 27, 2019
- Band Polos will be available at the Parade, if you didn’t receive one yet
- Students who use large instruments report to the dungeon at 9:30a on Monday to help load trucks
- All students meet at the St. James Church Parking Lot no later than 10:30a on Monday, dressed in Khaki Shorts, Polo shirts, sneakers (pereferably white or black), socks and Sun Glasses.
- Parade starts at 12noon
- We will be finished by 1p at the Adzima Funeral Home. Students with large instruments should plan on going back to the dungeon to help unload.
- Students will need transportation to and from the parade.
- Parade is weather permitting (for us) but will go on rain or shine. It looks to be a GREAT day!
- All Guard and Band are expected to participate. Students who do not participate may lose their Band Award or Senior Scholarship.
Band Elections
Congratulations to our new slate of officers:
Drum Majors:
Sarah K.
Jen F.
Band Managers:
Brendan & Alex R.
President: Ganine
Vice President: Sean Leclerc
Librarian: Huy
Treasurer: Jessie
Secretary: Logan
Historian: Matt Horch
Freshmen Marching: Huy
SHS Liaison: Logan
Caption Heads:
Woodwinds: Liz
Brass: Sean Latham
Percussion/Pit: Ganine
Section Leaders:
Flutes: Carolina
Clarinets: Brianna
High Saxes: Hubert
Trumpets: Sean Leclerc & Jojo
Low Saxes: Marquise
Low Brass: Maurice
Horns: Miguel
Snare: Deanna
Tenors: Mat
Bass: Gabe
Pit: Aditya
Drum Sergeant: Frank
It’s that time of year again. All accounts MUST be settled NOW, please!
- Seniors must be paid in full to attend Graduation.
- There will be NO MORE payment plans! Please, don’t ask for one!
- Any student with a Balance on their account after June 1, 2019 will not be permitted to participate in ANY school activities, including the 2019 Fall Marching Band, until their balance is at ZERO. Again, no payment plans.
- Make a payment here —
- Donate here — you have a family member that can help out PLUS get a tax deduction!
Even if you decide to quit the band — you will still owe this obligation to the school…
Summer & Fall Schedule Online!
Keep in mind that Nationals Dates will be TBA asap… I’m blocking off BOTH weekends, depending on what Group/Class we will be competing in.
Drum Line Continues — May 29
6p-9p In the Band Room
Color Guard Continues — May 29
6p-8p on the side field — NEW MEMBERS WELCOME!
We now have 28 on the Roster!!!
Marching Band 2019 Fall
We are well over 115 members!!!
Please — Register NOW (there are still 8 members who participated last year that have yet to register for the Fall of 2019):
Looking Ahead
- May 27 — Memorial Day Parade
- June 6 — Band Awards
- June 11 (12 = Rain Date) — Graduation — Wind Ensemble, Concert Band & some drummers (Concert Dress) — report 5p at the Stadium.
Thank you
J. Miller