Band Notes 9–8–2020
Greetings All…
All students in my Bunnell HS classes — periods 1, 4, 6, & 7 should have received an email over the past few days.
- All Distance Learners ONLY — you will have a Zoom Meeting this Thursday (an email was sent with the instructions)
- EACH and EVERY Student was invited to join a Google Classroom. Period 1, 4, & 7 in Google, and Music Theory ECE period 6 is on Schoology.
please email me ASAP if you did NOT receive your invitation AND you are enrolled in one of my classes at BHS.
- All Brass & Woodwind players should keep their instruments at home until the time arrives that we have bell covers and instrument players masks.
- All percussion will keep a pair of sticks here and one at home. All percussionists will be issued new sticks and a practice pad to keep home.
Please see below for the schedules for THIS WEEK and for the rest of the “HYBRID” year, however long that might be.
Please note — logging in to the Zoom Meetings from home is NOT an OPTION!
All teachers will be taking attendance at the SAME TIME every day. It’s as if you are in class, but having it at home. You MUST be present to earn the credits!
The Marching Band Season
As you all know, “In-Person” Marching Band activities are postponed until further notice.
We will, however, make an attempt at a “virtual” Marching Band Performance, similar to that which we did last May for the Memorial Day Parade…
More Details to follow
Stay Tuned
We are committed to providing you all the BEST possible experience. Please be patient while we work that out!
Thank you!
J. Miller