Band Notes 8–30–2019
Greetings — here’s a HUGE amount of news!
Parent Performance
Great job last night!!!
Here’s the video —
Theme Tees — ORDER by 8pm TODAY!!!
No money needed at this time!
The Band Parents are ordering the tees early. Please see the design below. We will order enough so that everyone can have one so please consider buying one. The cost will be approximately $20 and the shirts will be here for the first competition. Parents are encouraged to buy the shirts to wear when you sit in the stands.
Please click here to indicate your size — no $ needed at this time!!!
Here is the artwork, front then back.
Shoe Order
Please be sure to see the parents at the dungeon NEXT WEDNESDAY if you need shoes/gloves. The GUARD has special shoes and gloves, and the drummers/pit do NOT need gloves… so this is for Winds/Brass/Percussion/Pit who need shoes.
I’m going to lay out every day from now until the first competition below!
Sept 4
Full band rehearsal on the side field from 5:45 PM to 9 PM.
Sept 5
Full band rehearsal on the side field from 5:45 PM to 9 PM.
Sept 6
Pasta Party 6p-8p in the BHS Cafe
Sept 7
Shakespeare Festival — you will be asked to volunteer 3 (or more) hours at the festival. Sign up sheets coming next week. Community Service hours earned.
Sept 8
Shakespeare Festival Continues
Sept 10
Instrument night at Flood. Band Officers and other BHS Students demo instruments at Flood. Dress = Band Polo shirts. Community Service hours earned.
Sept 11
Full band rehearsal on the side field from 5:45 PM to 9 PM.
Sept 12
Full band rehearsal on the side field from 5:45 PM to 9 PM.
All Band Members wear Band Shoes/Gloves and Hat. Guard wear new gloves and shoes.
Sept 13
First Football Game! All BHS students report 5:45p dressed “Waist Down”. SHS students will need to arrange transportation for 1/2 Time at BHS, then return.
Sept 14
First Band Contest @ Brien McMahon High School in Norwalk. Report BBHS 10a for rehearsal. 5pm Performance time. Chinese food will be availabkle for purchase for the bus ride.
I’m tired just typing all of that!!!
thanks all — have a terrific weekend!!!
J Miller