Band Notes 8–26–2019
Greetings folks — a few updates and IMPORTANT information.
Facebook Page
Please take a moment and request to join the band Facebook page. This is where we will post photos, videos and general announcements.
you will need to send a request to join.
Text messages to your device. This will be the BEST way that we can reach you!
There will be separate services for Parents & Students. Please follow the instructions below and register ASAP! Thank you…
There will be another service for the Staff
Remind For Parents
This will be the official text message service for PARENTS only!
Simply text @akghc9 to the number 81010
Remind for Students
This will be the official text message service for STUDENTS only!
Simply text @f476bk to the number 81010
Rehearsals this week on Wednesday & Thursday from 5:45p-9p
Wednesday August 28
We will do a performance for ALL PARENTS Family and Friends at 8p. Please bring a lawn chair or blanket and set up on the hill as close to the Band Room Door as possible. We will serve the students treats after the performance.
September 6
Pasta Party for all students, 6p-8p, in the BHS Cafteria. All STUDENTS should plan on attending!
September 7
BHS students will form teams to help at the Shakespeare Festival and receive Community Service credits. Details to follow.
September 13 & 14
First Football Game (13th) First Band Contest (14th) at Brien McMahon HS. We are on FIRST at 5p to accommodate students making their confirmation at St. Mark.
Fund Raising
Stay on top of your fund raising! All students should have a minimum of $200 in fund raising/payments completed to date.
Our Website is getting a Face-Lift! Coming soon…
Shoes & Gloves
All orders for shoes and gloves will be taken this week, and delivered Wednesday, Sept 11. Students will WEAR their Shoes/Gloves/Hats at the rehearsal on September 12.
Please don’t hesitate to reach out, should you have any questions!
Thank you!
J. Miller