Band Notes — 8.20.2021

Sean Latham
4 min readAug 20, 2021

Band Camp Edition

Greetings — here are the updates:


Please arrive promptly at 6:45a, dropped off near the tennis courts (do NOT use the access road around the building, as that will be blocked off)

You will be checked in for attendance purposes

please social distance

we will meet in the Auditorium at 7a

The “Big Project”

Some, but not all of the details of this project will be revealed at 7a on Monday morning. Trust me — you DO NOT want to miss this!


Masks are to be worn at all times inside by all Staff, Parents & Students.

While playing a wind instrument, students will use their flap masks or a regular mask that can be pulled down while playing.


It will be hot. Please bring a LOT of water. Water stations will be provided and students can re-fill their water bottles inside.

Water bottles should have a strap so that performers can have a sip anytime they want.

Theme Days

band camp themes:
- section theme color day
- tie dye Tuesday
- tacky tourist/tropical day
- twins day
- and/or a superheroes day because of our show

and for section theme colors:
- drum majors: white
- trumpets: yellow
- colorguard: blue
- low brass: green
- clarinets and flutes: red
- saxophones: orange
- pit: purple
- drumline: black

Uniform Fitting Days/Time

Monday, 8/23/21, 4–5:30

  • Trumpets
  • Low Brass

Tuesday, 8/24/21, 4–5:30

  • Percussion
  • Flute
  • Clarinet

Wednesday, 8/25/21, 4–5:30pm

  • Saxophone
  • Drum Majors

*Percussion Pit to be announced at a later time

Drill Sheets

Students should download these files to their smart devices


Students should bring all instruments on day 1.

Larger instruments may be left in the band room overnight


A typical day at Band Camp would look like this:

6:45am — report to the side door of the school where the band room is.

7:00am — section leader/staff/officer meetings.

7:15am — full band meeting

7:20am — stretching/warm ups/basic marching on the field, percussion on their own.

8:00am — Start drill sets. Goal — learn one song each day. Water breaks along the way.

12pm — lunch

12:30pm — Sectionals.

1:15pm — Full music ensemble.

2:00pm — drill on the field. This is where you put the music into the drill sets you learned that day.

3:45pm — clean up/meetings.

4:00pm — dismissed.

Band Camp Checklist:

Please Bring:

__ Any ads for the Cavalcade Ad Book/Fund Raising (at least $150)

__ Comfortable Sneakers (NO flip flops or Sandals)

__ Lots of Water (Water Bottles on neck strap) can be refilled at BHS

__ Snacks

__ Sunscreen

__ Bug Repellent

__ A Baseball Cap/Hat

__ Sunglasses

__ Lunch (no one is permitted to leave the campus)

__ Instruments (Extra reeds/oil etc)

__ Music

__ Guard Equipment

__ Highlighter Pen

__ Pencil

__ A Prompt Arrival! (Please be at the door to the band room at 6:45am, as we start promptly at 7am)

Don’t worry if you are missing anything, or if you don’t have everything memorized — we will make sure everyone is complete on Monday at camp.

A few more things:

Please do not bring anything valuable such as jewelry, or cash.

Students may not visit any other part of the building.

Soda/Drink machines may or may not be available to students.

Restrooms are in the Band Room Hall & the lobby.

ALL students will need to clean their area (especially after lunch) every day.

Students should make every effort to show up to camp with their music memorized. If you are a first year member and having trouble memorizing — DO NOT WORRY — we will help you at camp. This is the time of the year when, typically, students get anxious about starting HS. PLEASE, make an effort and attend the camp — if you are still hesitant at the end of camp, we will work something out — BUT please do not drop band at this point! Every member who receives this email will have a spot and is needed!

Ninjas — we need some students, younger siblings of current members usually work best, to be “Ninjas” to help move equipment etc… these students should also attend camp.

Fund Raising-Cavalcade Ads

There will be a parent who will accept ads every day…

Please also remember that all students should have their first $150 in fund raising completed for this week as well. Students who have a hardship may speak with the director to establish a plan. Please sell those ads for the adbook!

thank you!

J. Miller



Sean Latham
Sean Latham

Written by Sean Latham

Director of Bands - Frank Scott Bunnell HS

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