Band Notes 6–8–2020
Greetings all — a BOAT LOAD of information — PLEASE READ ALL!
Band Awards Night
Sadly, we will not have our traditional “Band Awards Pizza Night” this year.
I put together this video (see link below). It’s a brief awards recognition for all First, Second, Third year members (First year members will get a “B” Varsity Letter as a keepsake, and all 2–4 year members will receive a keepsake “Star”.
Seniors will ultimately receive a Photo Plaque as well.
In the video — we recognize the Seniors individually, and certain Seniors will also be recognized for the following National Music Awards:
- The Semper Fidelis Marine Corps Excellence in Music Award
- The Louis Armstrong Jazz Award
- The John Phillip Sousa Band Award
In addition — I have recognized several Parents who have gone above & beyond for our program AND a BONUS — All FOUR years videos from Marching Band, Indoor Guard & Indoor Drum Line!
Please check it out!
Equipment Drop BHS Grades 9–12
Grades 9–12:
* All sheet music from the Spring Concert (that wasn’t) (please clip a piece of paper with your name on it)
* Music Theory Workbooks (please clip a piece of paper with your name on it)
* Uniform Pants (and other parts you might have)
Grade 12 ONLY — please return and school owned instruments you have borrowed. (Please label the instrument with your name on making tape on the case).
SHS & 8th Graders: See BELOW
ANY UNRETURNED ITEMS will be turned into the office for payment! (sorry).
The drop off point is in front of the dungeon…
Equipment Drop off for SHS, 8th Graders
For SHS & 8th Grade students— please drop off your UNIFORM Pants to Mrs. Jepsen, 105 Sheffield Circle (Brown House/Red Shutters) on TUESDAY, JUNE 16, 2020–5p-7p. (you can also drop off your music at that time as well).
Social Distancing & Masks required.
Power school will be updated as of 12 PM today. There are still many students who are missing assignments. I will accept assignments through this WEDNESDAY ONLY!!!
All assignments on Schoology from April 24 — present.
Senior Recognition
The students are putting together a little senior recognition ceremony. Social distancing, and masks, required.
Here are the details — SENIORS & their PARENTS only please!
Indoor Obligation Reduction & Payments
We are pleased to announce that the indoor fundraising obligation is going to be dropped from $455, down to $250, per member.
If you paid your indoor obligation for the 2020 winter season in full, you will have a credit that you can apply towards the fall 2020 season, or the band trip.
If you did not pay your indoor 2020 winter season in full, then you only need to make up the difference up to $250.
We would like all students to be paid in full by June 1 please. Use the link below to make a payment now.
If you are unsure as to how much is remaining on your account, please contact Mr. Larsen at the following email:
Please make a payment here:
Band Trip
We are still proceeding with the trip as planned. Please make sure you have your $50 per person deposit into Super Holiday Tours as soon as possible to guarantee your plane ticket. You can visit the band website and click on Hollywood trip, and then navigate to Super Holiday Tours to make your deposit.
Thank You!