Band Notes 5–26–2020
Greetings folks — a few updates:
PLEASE — watch this video first
Memorial Day Tribute Video
Our Memorial Day Video has almost 650 Views!!!
Collection Days
We will set up at day/time to get the following from you:
- Any Uniform Parts
- Music from the concerts
- Any School owned instruments that will NOT be in use for 2020
- Text Books from Music Theory Class
All grades will be updated by the end of this week. These will be all assignments through May 24.
PLEASE — you can go back and catch up on your work at anytime!
Schoology Assignments
No NEW assignments this week!
Please use this time to GO BACK and complete anything that you are missing from April 24-May26!!!
Zoom Meetings
No Zoom Meetings this week either!
Get your work DONE!!!
Indoor Obligation Reduction & Payments
We are pleased to announce that the indoor fundraising obligation is going to be dropped from $455, down to $250, per member.
If you paid your indoor obligation for the 2020 winter season in full, you will have a credit that you can apply towards the fall 2020 season, or the band trip.
If you did not pay your indoor 2020 winter season in full, then you only need to make up the difference up to $250.
We would like all students to be paid in full by June 1 please. Use the link below to make a payment now.
If you are unsure as to how much is remaining on your account, please contact Mr. Larsen at the following email:
Please make a payment here:
Band Trip
We are still proceeding with the trip as planned. Please make sure you have your $50 per person deposit into Super Holiday Tours as soon as possible to guarantee your plane ticket. You can visit the band website and click on Hollywood trip, and then navigate to Super Holiday Tours to make your deposit.
Thank you
J. Miller