Band Notes 11–6–2020
That’s a Wrap!
The photo above tells it all!
An amazing senior class of Students & Parents!
Thank you so much to all, especially Mrs. Ramos & Mrs. Jepsen, who scrambled to put the celebration together with one day notice! And thanks to all of the Parent volunteers who helped out last night, and all season long. We are so very lucky to have so many great people working for our children.
Thanks again to Dr. Dowling & Dr. Graf for attending… Ms. Record for the photos… Mr. Dolan for the videos… and the entire staff for their dedication and love for our students.
It really was nice to get, albeit very small, a glimpse of normalcy returning to our lives. It’s not a cliche to say that these events really do make you grateful, and truly appreciate what you have in life.
Photos & Videos
Please visit the Facebook page to see a TON of great photos & videos
Take 1 —
Take 2 —
Take 3 —
All Accounts
This season — we have reduced the fund raising commitment to $120 per student. Please — if you can make that payment now — it will help us to pay the staff and vendors and designers NOW! Thank you…
Make a Credit Card payment now:
Watch the Awards Ceremony
This Saturday at 7p, there will be an Awards Ceremony for Nationals (the one we filmed last week on the side field)
Please check their website to check it out
You can also subscribe to FloMarching to watch all of the other bands, nationwide.
Follow Us
Band Notes:
Get the automatic Band Notes as a subscription here — then click “Follow”
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Facebook Group:
This is where we will post videos & photos & updates
you must request to join, and I will approve you!
This is for Students, Parents, Alumni & Staff
Band Website
From the Band Parents
Cookie Cakes and Pie dough fundraiser is due this Thursday, Nov. 5
Please return them to Mrs. Michaud at Check in.
November Bottle Drive 11–14–2020
Octobers bottle drive with the Stratford High Kids was a great success!!! Thank you to all that donated your time we can not do it without you!!
This month it is Bunnell’s turn. Please honor cohorts when signing up. Lets see if Bunnell can match or beat SHS!!!
Please use this link to sign up
Parents for Thursday Night rehearsals thru 11–12–2020
There are still spots open to volunteer at rehearsals. Parents must be BOE vetted, siblings or non vetted family members may not volunteer for this. More spots open as the Bands needs change so, if a day you want is full please contact Lauri Jepsen 203–556–0351 to see if we will have an additional spot open.
Please use this link to sign up to work at the Rehearsals
Thank you for all you do!!!!!
Thank you
J. Miller