Band Notes 10–4–2021
Greetings — here comes a VERY busy week…
Please — read everything!
You will receive an email from Disney that you are confirmed for Covid Testing for Tuesday — you must also fill out the consent form from that email immediately!
Last Saturday at Brien McMahon…
What an amazing performance at Brien McMahon HS!
Watch the video here: (thanks Mr. Latham!)
For fun — check out our Bethel performance here:
The following Cast Members MUST submit the following form immediately!!!
Audrey Rice, Devon Dupray, Farah Hamada, Jackson Sprouse, Julia Harrington, MollyKenny, Raquel Linares, Samuel Harrington, Soleil Wickham, Nathan DeLima
If you do not submit the form TODAY you can not rehearse on Thursday!
Work Forms
There will be a set of Work Forms that ALL CAST MEMBERS must complete with their parents. These forms will be emailed later today and must be submitted no later than Wednesday, in order to attend the rehearsal on Thursday.
I was told that they are VERY easy to complete!
You can prepare by getting your forms ready to be uploaded — here’s what the I-9 form will look like when you get it — please get your ID ready now for upload!:
Here’s a GREAT Band Parent Article that EVERYONE should read!
This Week:
Tuesday October 5
The covid testing will just be for Chang’s Band (including Guard) and any staff or parents that will be attending the newly scheduled rehearsal (see below) on Thursday morning… Chang’s Band will then rehearse from 6p-9p
Covid testing will begin at 5:30p
You MUST fill out the form to be covid tested — you can not simply “show up”!
Covid testing this week is for Chang’s Band MUSICIANS only PLUS any parent/staff that will be helping with the THURSDAY rehearsal ONLY
No visitors are allowed!
Wednesday October 6
- 5:45p — all members report to the side field
- 6:00p-6:30p — Basics & Drill Sets
- 8:00p-8:15p — Run Thru’s
- 8:30p — Clean up Dismissal
Thursday October 7
- 8:30a — Chang’s Band (Incl Guard) report to the Band Room
- Bus for SHS & WMS: Approx. 8:45 am arrival at Stratford HS. Once 7 students have boarded will go to Wooster to pick up one student and then on to Bunnell…
- 9:00a — 11:30a — Rehearsal w/Disney Director & Actors
- 11:30p — 12p — lunch (bring your own)
- 5:45p — all members report to the side field
- 6:00p-7:00p — Drill sets side field
- 7:00p — Music in drill plus Run thru’s
- 8:30p — clean up/dismissal
Friday October 8 — Time(s) TBA Covid Testing Part 2
Covid Testing for:
- Chang’s Band Musicians ONLY (no guard)
- Parents of Chang’s Band Musicians only
Saturday 10–9–2021 — Contest at Norwalk
We will be staying for Awards
- 11:00a — arrive dressed Waist Down
- Drill Rehearsals until LIGHT lunch (more like a snack)
- Drill/Music after lunch
- 2:00p — Run Thru’s
- 2:30p — load truck and busses — food delivery (details soon)
- 3:00p — Depart for Norwalk HS
- 3:45p — arriveNorwalk HS, get uniform jackets and hats on, warm up
- 5:45p — Perform
- Load the truck (one truck will be for Stamford on Oct 10)
- 7:15p — Awards
- 7:45p — depart
- 8:30p — arrive Stratford, unload, dismissed
Sunday October 10
Filming Day at Stamford (Westhill HS)
Food will be provided for the students!
- Parent or Guardian must accompany and provide transportation
- Guardian can be by proxy — anyone over 18 in the family
- Guardian must be vaccinated, or sit in their car or outside while filming
- Shooting schedule is 9a-8p
- I will advise as soon as I know our “call” times (I would plan on being their the entire day) — and BRING stuff to do!
- Students will need their FULL uniform PLUS regular practice clothes (no visible logos).
Food for the Bus Ride (Dinner) for Saturday
Please use this link to order food NO LATER than 5p Thursday!!!
Please order food or BRING a dinner for the bus ride!
Chinese Food:
Vira Deli:
the food will be delivered at 2:00p on Saturday.
Thank you!
J. Miller