Band Notes — 1–21–2020
Greetings — LOTS of info this week! Please read all!
Mid-Year Assessments
Drum Line
This Wednesday 6p-9p. PLEASE remember the NEW way to enter and exit the building!
We will be presenting a clinic on February 12 at Caldwell University in NJ. More details coming soon.
Please visit the Band Website for the FULL Indoor Schedule, 2020.
- Tues/Thurs Rehearsals @ Whitney
Saturday Masuk HS Contest Schedule January 25:
- Report time 9:45am
- Rehearsal 10–2pm
- Pack and load 2–2:30pm
- Bus departure 2:30pm
- Tentative Arrival at Masuk 3:00pm
- Performance 4:56pm
- Awards 7:45
- Tentative arrival at Eli 9:30
We will be sending out a remind text when we will be leaving From Masuk and also when we are 10 minutes from arrival to Eli at the end of the evening.
Band Account Payments
All students should have had their FALL 2019 accounts paid in full by December 1.
All students who wish to participate in Indoor Guard or Indoor Drumline 2020 MUST have their Fall 2019 (and any older amounts) Paid in FULL by February 1, 2020.
You can make a payment here please: or use Ad-Book Sales (see below) to reconcile your accounts.
Register for the Hollywood 2020 Trip
We currently have almost 140 Trip Registrations!
We need to get a count for the acquisition of airfare. Please fill out the following forms ASAP. It’s simple — we need a head count!
Each and every single traveler MUST fill this out, please:
Please fill this out NOW!
BHS — Registration Form
you can always learn more about the trip here —
ALL TRAVELERS MUST Also Fill out the Super Holiday Tours Registration:
- If you have not already paid your deposit, please go to the trip page on the band website Scroll down and links for both registrations can be found on this page. Follow the link to create your account with Super Holiday Tours.
- While we are planning to setup a process for transferring student account funds to Super Holiday Tours, the initial $50 deposit for each traveler must be paid directly to Super Holiday Tours.
Please note:
- Once you create your account you must ADD TRAVELERS! This includes yourself.
- It can be ONE ACCOUNT for your entire Family — if there are multiple members in your family that will be traveling.
EXAMPLE A: A Family has 4 travelers
- Mom or Dad creates the account
- Mom or Dad adds herself/himself as a traveler
- Mom or Dad then adds the rest of the family as additional travelers under the SAME account.
EXAMPLE B: Only the student is traveling
- Mom or Dad creates the account
- Mom or Dad adds her/his child as a traveler
If you had an older Super Holiday Tours Account — that account has been deleted. All travelers MUST create a new account for the 2020 trip.
You are not officially registered on the trip until AFTER you pay your $50 deposit online to SHTours!
The following students were members in the Fall 2019 Band and, as of this time, HAVE NOT registered for the trip yet:
Register for Fall 2020 Marching Band & Guard NOW!
We already have 85 registrations, which is a LARGE Group 4 Band!
please register if you haven’t done so already…
The following students were members in the Fall 2019 Band and, as of this time, HAVE NOT registered for the Fall 2020 Band yet:
Adbook for Indoor Season
The adbook is here! Start selling ads NOW! Pay off your account and build up towards the trip.
Print these forms and off you go!
Current Schedule for the Bunnell Home Show — Feb 29 2020:
Should be here the end of this week, the start of next week!
Thank you